One product can now fulfill all your universal life needs.
* Shorter guarantees if issue age greater than 60
** Depending on the applicant’s issue age
Designed for speed and convenience.
Accelerated Whole Life features automated methods of gathering applicant information resulting in a quicker application process, faster underwriting and rapidly issued polices. Using smart data, we allow applicants to bypass medical requirements while retaining competitive rates.
Accelerated Whole Life Highlights:
Provide the gift of a lifetime.
Youth Whole Life provides protection for a lifetime at a guaranteed fixed price.
Youth Whole Life Highlights:
Protect the money you have earned
and transfer funds to your children
or grandchildren.
Single Premium Whole Life is designed to provide an alternative to CDs and annuities by providing an income tax-free way to transfer money to future generations or a favorite charity.
Single Premium Whole Life Highlights:
Data-driven whole life insurance.
Planning for final expenses, covering debts and leaving a legacy are stressful decisions many people avoid. However, making choices about these matters does not have to be difficult. Easy Life is a whole life insurance product designed for ease and simplicity. It is an online-only product that is immediately issued.
Easy Life Highlights: